Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cousins Wedding

Congratulations to Bavani and Kavin! My cousin just got married :) hands down, one of the best weddings Ive been to.

The Food was amazing! it was all in small portions, but they just keep coming! i think it was like a 7 course meal or something. The performance was great, free flow drinks, DANCE FLOOR, and just an awesome crowd! but mostly my BIG, LOUD and crazy family! seriously, Indians sure knows how to party.

so anyways, I performed for the first time with my cousin Daniel that night as well. It was okay i guess. we sang stand by me. it didn't go quite as planned, but otherwise it was great. I love the part when my big loud crazy family came right in front to show support and all <3 I wasn't nervous one bit! :)

after that Mike and Rino performed a dance with the song We no speak americano (or something like that). It was sooo cute. I loved it!

and AFTER that, the party started. The dancefloor was open. and everyone went crazy! My sisters, parents, cousins, aunties and uncles, my GRANDMA! hahaha seriously, it was just amazing :)

So yeah i had a blast!

Maisarah's working??

I think my blogging days are finally over. Like, last time i used to blog EVERY SINGLE DAY before i sleep. now, malaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas gila. I wanna start blogging again. but i just never find the right time to do it ya know.

I'm kinda forced to do this cause theres nothing else to do now. Im at the college library waiting for my next class at 2.30. Mai's helping her mom doing some catering thing at my college, so i met her for a bit just now. rinduuuu! <3

I hate the filter thing la. I cant go anywhere online! i cant access fb, twitter, youtube, any gaming sites or what so ever. and worst of all, I have pengajian malaysaia after this! :(