Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey guys :)

Today i went for the KPP class (Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu) :D

and well, its fuck boring. its like 5 hours of lecturing D: well, maybe cause i was really sleepy this morning. but i still got everything in my head, thank god.

i didn't really know how hard it is to get a driving license until today.
  • Kelas KPP (5 jam)
  • Ujian Komputer (42/50 to pass)
  • Kelas Amali (6 jam)
  • Lesen L
those are the steps to get the L. then to get a P;
  • Belajar Memandu
    Bhg 2: Parking on the Bukit, 3 point parking, and something else i can't remember.
    Bhg 3: Jalan Raya
  • Ujian JPJ. Bhg 2 and 3.
  • Lesen P
Shit right? :\

but i have to be 17 to start driving, so i think I'll have enough time to practice on my own with my sister's manual. I really want this! *determined face*

and the most suckiest thing is, after we got a P, we have to follow the rules as in like, literally follow it! like if its a yellow light and we just pass through it, and if its caught on camera or by the police itself, our P will be BATAL! and we have to do the whole freaking thing again (P) to get it back.

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