Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This will never happen :\

Wanna know what i think? After going to kasturi for a month now, i think that the system is really good. I wish all the government school system is like that. For those of you who don't know how its like in Kasturi, well, the time table it very flexible.

For example, there's 4 add math classes in a day and we can choose any time in that day to have the add math class. then, there's a 10/30 minute break between classes. You can go for 10 classes and i can guarantee that it wont clash with any other subjects if you plan it out properly. like, in a week you have to go once for each class but its anytime you want. Then they will give you an attendance card so that they can mark if you already went for the class in a week or not.

Isn't it awesome if school was like that? Takde la stress all the time nak cramp 6 subjects a day from 7.3oam-1.50pm with just a 20 minute break :\ i think its plain silly. Then the teachers always complain about the students that doesn't do their work, doesn't pay attention and always sleeps in class.

okay, that's all i wanna say now :)

OH OH!! so, if you feel like going to kasturi just let me know :) I can get a 40ringgit discount for my fees if i introduce kasturi to someone. thanks! help me save money by going to kasturi, okay? thanksssssss

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