Saturday, February 20, 2010

I guess I'm stressed out?

I don't really know how it feels to be stressed out for real, but i think I'm stressed now. haha, it sounds so pathetic! but yeah, its not like those "omg, exams is tomorrow! STRESS!" its more like those things where you had too much to take and then you cry over the smallest thing, you get angry really quickly and that you just feel like giving up. ugh, sounds so depressing.

I've never really experienced the physical effects of it until today. I cried for no reason (got la, but its personal), My eyes are kinda reddish today, I didn't have any mood for anything, Headaches all day long, PIMPLES on my face D: , ulcers on my tongue :( but that's cause i bit it accidentally.. still.

My parents are lucky that even though I'm stressed or wtv I don't do those bad things that teenagers do. I don't smoke, i don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't merempit (uhh..), i don't go around guys and let them do whatever they want with me. banyak lah.

To you girls that does all those things just to 'calm' yourself down or whatever, you're pathetic. Seriously.

so yeah, I don't know what to do.
Sorry for the boring post.

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