Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kasim's daily routine

He wakes up at 6.40am everyday.. about the same time as me :)
then I'm not so sure what he does coz I'm at school. My mom said he gets super duper hyper active before his breakfast. Then after that, he gets annoying and kacau my mom jahit baju. hahaha
then when i get back from school he'll be waiting for me inside the house in front of the door. soooo adorable! grrrrrr! :)

Then, I'll give him lunch while i have mine. Sometimes.. no, most of the time he gets really mengada. He will only eat if i FEED him! ish..

Next, he will curl up on my bed and become super cozy and all.. and he will suck on this skirt that he loves. He thinks its his mommy's milk.. damn kesian. then he'll fall asleep. And i will too.

Then I'll wake up at ard 6pm, and he will wake up as well. Then he will run around outside until maghrib. Then he gets inside and go straight to the kitchen. Someone who happens to be in the kitchen will give him dinner. Then he gets hyper active again. he'll run outside. play play play. then he'll bring home a cockroach or two. EVERYDAY! YUCKKKK! then me or my sister will wash him up after that.

at around 11am he gets really tired and will sleep at the living room when we are all watching TV. Then I'll slowly carry him upstairs to my room and tuck Kasim in his bed. :)

and it goes on and on again.

I'm bored okay.