Friday, February 13, 2009


I just found out that today is Friday the 13th! hehh... No difference. So anyway, Tomorrow is Valentines! I've got a date with Merentas Desa! And hopefully I'll win a Medal again :) Oh maaan.. I dont know why, but i'm NERVOUS.

Today on my way home after science tuition, I saw a lot of people from school Jogging/Training for merentas desa around the Bukit Damansara area. So I felt like Jogging too. Then I got home at 5.45pm, prayed, and went Jogging at 6pm. And I keep getting this FREAKING annoying rib pain! UGH! It really really hurts!!!! Its like, You cant even breathe! every breath you take HURTS! Actually, I've been getting that since form 2 everytime i run. But i always force myself to run. I shouldn't do that. I just rad it online. it says; NEVER force to run after getting that pain. Or something like that.

So, tomorrow, If i get that pain again, I'm just gonna cancel my date with the medal.. and WALK! how weird. I've never walked during a marathon. hahaha. Well, I hope i dont have to!

And i'm gonna bring water bottle. as usual :)
I hope no one asks me for water this time. It happens each year! BUT if they do, I'm just gonna ignore them. Cheap. Go get your own water!

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