Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

Me and my sister went to 7-11 and I BOUGHT THE LAST STICKO!!!!! wheee!
I have to thank my sister, Nurul who introduced me to Sticko two years ago.
For you ppl who dont know what Sticko is, its a wafer kinda thingie with cream inside!
and its the bomb!

yeah, So today is Earth Hour. We switched off the lights and all. Too bad my dad isn't here tho. He went Bird Watching and will be back tomorrow.

Me, my mom, bil and nurul watched TV and ate dinner in darkness. I wanted to go to the park and chill there, but we were watching a movie called "Kickin it old school" or something like that. hahaha!

So, ya, I hope that we saved the earth!