Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rapist emoticons

Don't you just hate it when someone puts too many emoticons in one text?

"heyyy :D:D
Whats up? :p
I'm so bored!! :))"

Annoying isn't it?


Today, I met my sisters, Nurul/Syaqinah BOYFRIEND!! hahaha! Not just any Boyfriend, A SERIOUS ONE! haha. yess.. more victims for me to annoy! He already met the parents and what not. So Today, Me, My cousin, and Bil went to OU to shop. so Nurul brought Him along. His name is Johariz. but we call him Joe. He's Okay la... i approve coz He seems nice. and coz he has dimples! just like me!

Then my sister dropped me off to tuition so i left my handbag in her car... and she left to Shah Alam. damn. All my things is in it! My face powder, lip Balm, body spray, wallet, MY NEW MP4, my skarf, my beanie..EVERYTHING! Except my phone.. whew.

Oh well, what to do..

Does my blood taste good? coz mosquito's seem to be attracted to me! grrr. looks like I have to turn on the Ridsect Good Night Liquid now.

Good Night Sayang :'(
where ever you are..

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