Monday, August 31, 2009

Tabby Cat

Hey blog.

First things first, Happy Birthday Malaysia :)
Its Merdeka today... heh, no difference to me. (I bet all the history people hates me for saying that!)

I don't really know or have anything to blog about.. maybe cause I've been stuck in the house for this whole freaking week. okay, maybe not the whole time, but yeah. I wanna go out with my friends soooo badly! was suppose to go out on friday, but mom says no. I miss my friends. Tbh, I Can't wait for school tomorrow!

KASIM IS BEING A DEVIL! My right arm and foot are freaking ugly now! arrrrgggghhhh. it has , lots of ugly scratches and scabs now :(

hmmm what else... OH! I'm currently reading this book my dad got me for my 5th Birthday present! its 256 pg thick, and more than 400 full-colour photographs!

Its The Complete CAT BOOK! :)

Its damn big. I'm actually sitting behind the book. lol

My 5th Birthday :)
man, i was so young when my dad gave me this thick cat book and i never bothered to read it until now. hehe.

It has everything in it! love it!

Hey you guys, Please, Thank you :)

and everyone! BYE!


bilsbilsbils said...
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bilsbilsbils said...

wahahahha bil is here. nyahahhaha