Friday, July 3, 2009

Kiss me, We self destruct

Hi blog :D

Omg, today, i drove to tuition and back home! its the most scariest thing ever! Coz I have never drove alone outside of my housing are before. So.... kinda scary. well, i did, once. but there wasnt many cars. This is like, after office hours. Lots of cars zooming pass! Its a good thing I found the Audioslave CD in the glove compartment. I was listening to it really really loudly so i wont get too nervous :)

My mom wasnt around coz she went to take the Vios from the work shop. So, i am left alone with the WAJA to go to tuition. oh well, Its a good experience :)

So, Today, Our school had report card day. Which means we can go back once our parents saw the report card. Mine wasnt so bad. Infact, It was good! Coz i only did 4 papers and i skiped the rest for my trip to london! hee B )

I got an A1 for Science and English, and a B for BM and Sejarah. which is good for me and my mom :) coz usually she will be all pissy at me after report card day.

I chilled at 4 Marikh once i came to school. Me, Affiah and Farah gossiped and they made a song about me! hehehehe! sorry guys, the song is private and only between us >: ) Ash li brought her guitar, so i played and they sang. nice song.

then My mom found out where i was by my laugh. She told me she heard my high pitched laugh from downstairs. So she followed it. hahahaha funny la my mom ni :)

kay guys, thats all for today.
sick, i don't really like to write that,

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